Our great country is in seriously deep, deep trouble. As long as this current government continues to grow at this rate, we will lose our freedoms. Already, many freedoms are in grave jeopardy by the relentless attack of the tone deaf politicians in DC. The uber-liberal left especially is completely out of touch with real, mainstream average Americans. Americans who would rather stay home with their family than go carrying signs around one of the most corrupt regions in the country, Washington, DC.
DC is in desperate need of a thorough clean out. Lets get all these loser, lifer idiot hypocrites out of there and replace them with patriotic Americans that have integrity and character to pursue the great American dream of freedom and justice. Our freedom to succeed beyond our wildest dreams or fail. Failing is not a bad thing. It builds character. Failure gives us the kick in ass we many times need to prevail against seemingly insurmountable adversity. An individual deserves nothing if they do not get up, dust off their butts and at least try to better themselves. There is an old saying: "Give a man a fish and feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and feed him for a lifetime." The US Government is not responsible to feed us everyday. We should be doing that ourselves. The current progressive movement wants nothing to do with hard work. They would rather sit around and demand the government bail their lazy asses out.
The liberals are appearing more and more as socialists and communists than the old liberal democrats of old. The democratic party is going through a transformation right before our eyes. It is happening so slowly though that many good liberals do not see the damage being made. It is really bad when our own schools, elementary, middle/junior high, high school teachers tell their students that, "...socialism really is not that bad." What? You have to be kidding me! What has happened to America? The real Americans have been silent for far too long. The Christians have been silent for far too long. I see a great awakening from both these groups coming in the near future.
We now have the Hollywood elite (and I use that term very loosely), many of whom will not even be remembered 20-30 years from now, stating the "Pledge of Obama." Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher have come up with this ignorant video proclaiming their adoration and worship of Obama as if this mortal man were a God. Seriously? This is where they have placed their faith? These idiots really are beyond description. Kutcher, Moore and all the rest of the Hollywood loser dementos out there: American patriots who understand how fragile our freedoms are, we are not impressed with your infancy and idiocy. It is increasingly clear you cannot grow up. The lot of you. Our nation is on a train speeding headlong down dark tracks and the engineer is a demented, lying cheat who is laughing at the gullibility of his passengers. It is gaining velocity as it approaches the cliff and we desperately need to get to the brakes but the conductor and his henchmen will not let us pass. Not without a fight and fight we will have to. We the people need to regain control and reverse this out of control government.
The people who have lied to themselves, have dropped the faith in God, Buddha, Allah, etc., and have placed their misguided faith in a man. A morally corrupt man in every sense of the word. Well, all I can say is: God help us all. We are all in this together and because of the misguided, we all stand to suffer as we all fall from grace. The bible warned that things would come to this. Beware false Gods. To all those who disagree I have but one thing to say:
Read the United States Constitution! Then read the Bible!
There you will find the answers. There you will find the warnings from wise men who knew the consequences of irresponsibility. There you will see that the founding fathers never intended the government grow out of control as it is today. There you will see that the ultimate power lies with the people, not the elected politicians. Not the elected president. They are all our servants! This is the way it should be. The SEIU and Acorn want all of us to serve them! To serve the government. The not-so-mainstream media has totally dropped the ball on reporting the greatest story in the history of this country. The self destruction of a nation.
"The beauty of the Constitution is that it makes no set law other than faith in the wisdom of ordinary people to govern themselves." Simon Wilder.
"A government big enough to give you everything you want is strong enough to take everything you have." Thomas Jefferson.
Dennis Smith