Sunday, October 24, 2010

Is Islam Really Peaceful?

I found myself in a discussion with a friend of mine, a liberal friend, about the perception of peaceful Muslims. He insisted that where he lives, there are 2 million Muslims living, working and playing alongside another 2 million Christians. That they are doing, and have been doing, this peacefully. They have dinner together, their children play together and they live harmoniously with one another. Well, that's all fine and good but my question is: How does this diminish the fact that there are another group of "devout" Muslims who literally follow the Qur'an and have no other intent but to destroy the infidel by any means possible?

We are repeatedly told by the media and various groups that Islam is the religion of peace and the vast majority of Muslims simply want to live in peace. Even if this assertion is true, it is truly irrelevant. It is something meaningless meant to make us feel better and diminish the fact that there are zealous Muslims across the globe terrorizing and killing in the name of Islam.

Take the Germans for example. The number of Nazis were very small compared to vast majority of peaceful Germans. Many simply went about their daily lives without caring about what the Nazis were up to. Some enjoyed the return of German pride back into their country while others saw the Nazi party as a group of fools. So this majority stood idly by and let it all happen before their eyes until one day they lost control. The end of the world had come. The Nazis now owned them and they were now powerless to change their destiny.

We are facing a committed fanatical group which is far worse than the Nazis could have ever imagined. The number of extremist Muslims reaches around the world and through various terrorist and Jihadist groups, they have far reaching power. It is the fanatical followers of the Qur'an who march. It is the extremist follower of Mohammed who wage any one of fifty plus shooting wars around the globe. It is the committed Muslim who systematically kill and slaughter Christians in Africa and elsewhere. It is the literal followers of the Qur'an who bomb, behead, murder and honor kill. It is the fanatical and committed Muslims, the "true Muslims", who stone and hang rape victims and homosexuals. It is these Muslims who take the teachings of the Qur'an and Mohammed very literally and very seriously. It is these Muslims who teach the children to kill and become suicide bombers.

Zaghlul Al Najjar rejoices in the rise and spread of Islam across the globe. He writes in the Egyptian daily Al Ahram (Nov. 14, 2008), “Islam now is everywhere. Gorgeous mosques are build everywhere in the heart of Europe, in Rome and Cologne. The number of Muslims all over the world is also rising. More than 20 million Muslims live now in Europe. Alone in Germany there are 3.5. Demographers estimate that the majority of citizens in Germany will be Muslims in the year 2050. Two decades ago very few women wore the Hijab (headscarf). Now you can see them everywhere. Sooner or later, Islam will be in control of the whole world. This time, we don’t need to fight the infidel West with our troops as we did at the gates of Vienna. This time we’ll infiltrate the West and convert it to Islam, willy-nilly.”

Communist Russia had a majority who wanted to live in peace yet the communists were responsible for the murder of about 20 million people. China also had a huge majority of peaceful people. The Chinese Communist Party slaughtered a staggering 70 million people. Peace-loving Chinese, Japanese, Russians, Germans, Serbs, Afghans, Palestinians, Iraqis, Nigerians and many others have died because the peaceful majority did not speak up until it was too late. This is what makes the "silent majority" irrelevant.

My friend disagreed with me on many of these points but the facts are facts. The simple truth is the enemy of freedom today is the radical and fanatical extremist Muslim who will stop at nothing until all non-muslims are either converted to Islam, enslaved or killed. To them, there is only one God: Allah. Many are confused on the teachings of the Qur'an as they hear conflicting quotes. Some say it is a book of peace and tolerance. Others state just the opposite, that the Qur'an teaches intolerance of any non-believer.

Take for example some excerpts from the Qur'an:

Believers must terrorize the disbelievers. [Qur'an, 3:151, 9:5, 59:13].
Allah grades (or ranks) the honour among believers [Qur'an, 4:95, 4:96, 8:4]. He favors those who are active in promoting Islam rather than mere sedentary believers [4:95]. Only single-minded slaves of Allah will escape eternal doom [37:127-128].
Allah sent Mohammad to conquer all other religions [9:33, 48:28, 61:9]. Ultimate goal: kill/convert/subdue all disbelievers until all religion is for Allah [2:193, 8:39]. Muslims must commit to the goals of Islam during their lifetime.
Mohammed’s treaties/peace agreements with non-Muslims were merely temporary tactical moves; they could be overruled at any time by the greater goal of destroying non-Muslims [Qur'an, see 9:1-17].
They (people of the book; Jews and Christians) disbelieve in Allah and confound truth with falsehood [3:70-3:71]. Christians lie when they talk about the son of God [18:4-5].
Allah tests believers by compelling them to kill unbelievers [Qur'an, 8:17]; true believers will kill or be killed for Allah. Allah could punish the disbelievers directly, but instead he tests some people (believers) by using other people (disbelievers); those believers who are slain in battle will be rewarded [Qur'an, 47:4]. Allah uses the prospect of battle to find out what is in men’s hearts; disbelievers stay away from the fight, but believers go into the fight. Those who die fighting for Allah will be rewarded [Qur'an, 3:154-159; 3:167-172].
Fight against them, kill, convert, or subdue them and (only if it is beneficial to Islam) force them to pay a tax that Muslims do not have to pay [9:29-35]. If they refuse to pay, kill them. (Other option is slavery).

There are hundreds more examples of the violence taught by the Qur'an. This is definitely not a book espousing peace. It is in fact, a very intolerant and very violent book endangering anyone whom disbelieves in Islam. It is a doctrine of intolerance, hatred and brutality. Do not blindly read this blog however and take it as merely my opinion. Read the Qur'an yourself with an open mind. There you will find the true meaning and goal of Islam. If the silent majority remains silent, then history will have repeated itself once more. The consequences of ignoring and remaining silent this time though will be much, much higher and more devastating to freedom. Educate yourselves on the Qur'an and Shari'a Law. It is clear that the current crop of politicians and the media itself are too afraid to face the truth or too lazy to learn the truth. History is trying to teach us something. If we enjoy our current freedoms and way of life, perhaps we should listen to what history has to say.

—  Dennis Smith

Monday, August 2, 2010

The Bush Psychosis

After eight years of perpetual hatred toward then president Bush, the liberal's cannot seem to stop themselves from continuing the 'blame Bush' line. The current president is not taking any responsibility for his decisions but the liberal biased media is giving him a pass. The poster child of Bush bashing being none other than John Kerry.

"It's not fair to blame president Obama for the failures of the last administration." as he eloquently put it. Well, when will The Great One begin to accept some responsibility? As far as the liberals are concerned, likely never. They are so accustomed to laying blame on everyone but themselves, that they will never take responsibility for their mistakes. I feel however, that the American people will hold them accountable even if the liberals refuse. I loathe politics but here I am, paying attention to some of the most corrupt congressmen and women, an administration completely out of control and out of touch with the will of the American voting public and a president which has taken out what little integrity was left in the White House and the office of President of the United States of America.

The US is undeniably in a downward spiral and is as divided as it has ever been for the radicals of the sixties have now not only infiltrated our schools to indoctrinate the youth, but are now the very people in control. At the same time, they, the very ones dishing out all manner of vile insults to real patriotic Americans, now themselves are so thin skinned as to not have to ability to take criticism aimed at them. How nice. Obama himself seems on the verge of exploding when criticized. Sooner or later, he will lose that self control and we will finally see the true man hiding behind the smooth talking persona he portrays to the people. He is as his mentor, Rev. Jeremiah Wright, a person who deep down inside positively HATES America and all she stands for. To put it bluntly, President Obama is a racist against whites.

The liberals are quickly running out of excuses and their desperation is become more and more evident as the November mid-term election draws nearer. This is going to be sooo much fun to watch as the power hungry liberals lose some of that power and the president learns his place as a servant of the people not as a ruler and dictator.

That is unless he, The Chosen One, has something very disturbing up his proverbial Communist sleeve. One thing is for certain, closet dictators do not willingly relinquish power. It must be taken.

Friday, May 28, 2010

History Repeating Itself: A Nixon-esque Moment Today

Seems the White House is scrambling to put together a story to cover more lies from the administration. No one should be surprised over the Sestak claim of improper/illegal behavior coming out of the Obama administration. The White House today clearly does not know the definition of illegal conduct. After all, many high ranking officials appointed by Obama and Obama himself learned everything they know about politics by the corrupt Chicago political machine.

Why would the president need time to put together a story if, as he claims, there was "No improper conduct" between his administration and Sestak? If this is indeed true, then there should be no need to conjure up a story. Just lay out the facts.

One of two things will come out of this Nixon-esque moment. One, Sestak will be found to have lied (not likely), or two, senior White House officials have committed a serious crime (likely). Obama's crew is now desperately trying to find someone to fall on the sword in an attempt to save Obama's failing presidency. Bill Clinton appears to be the chosen whipping boy to save the ultra corrupt Rahm Emanuel. It is amazing to me the level of ineptness present in this White House. Perhaps it is more the amount of corruption present today with this president. It must be incredibly difficult to manage the growing number of lies. Number 44 promised no more politics as usual in DC. Well, I guess from his point of view, he has taken the corrupt politics of the past and elevated them to a new all time high.

Obama is great a reading speeches off the teleprompter and deflecting blame to everyone and anyone around him. The lies however are mounting and the body blows are taking their toll on Obama and his administration. I have serious doubts that Obama will finish his first term in office. Only a full investigation will reveal how deep the corruption goes in the White House and Congress.

Hardcore liberal Obama supporters are hoping that this story will simply go away but it is becoming more evident that it is not. I've read several discussions regarding the Sestak bribery claims and the liberals there are posting comments such as: "Nothing to see here. Move along." It is so amusing to see the liberals squirm when confronted with the increasingly undeniable truth that their Chosen One is turning out to be not the God they so desperately wanted Him to be but just another ultra corrupt, lying, cheating and backstabbing politician the likes of which this country has never seen.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Corruption and the Environmental Green Movement Myth

"Prices on electric cars will continue to drop until they're within reach of the average family."–The Washington Post. That was 1915.

I read an article written by John Stossel, Going "Green", exposing the liberal left's push to 'change' America's energy attitude. Al Gore claims we can transition, within 10 years, to clean renewable energy. A great fantasy but still only a fantasy. In equivalent hydrocarbons, the world population consumes 200 million barrels of oil per day. Any transition away from that will take many decades and more likely a century to accomplish. 90% of this energy consumed is produced by hydrocarbons – oil, coal and natural gas. It is simply not possible. Not because people refuse to give up driving their SUV's and trucks or switch light bulbs but one of simple physics.

Take wind energy for example. Sounds great, right? Wind turbines only produce 10% to 20% of their maximum output capacity because wind is not constant. During those idle times, conventional power plants must be kept online to pick up the energy demand. Same story with solar panels.

One nuclear power plant covers roughly 19 square miles. For a windmill farm to produce the same amount of energy, it would have to cover an area the size of Rhode Island. For Ethanol, another "green" fuel, to produce the same power, we would need a corn field the size of 24 Rhode Island's. Can you say "Energy Sprawl"? If Wind and solar energy were so practical, private entrepreneurs would have voluntarily invested in this technology long ago. There would be no need for government to take our money away and give it to people pushing the green products.

What about driving those zero emissions electric cars? Seems that many people think the electricity comes right out of the wall socket. If everyone switched to electric vehicles, the energy demand would overwhelm the power grid over night from all the recharging batteries. Again, it is a matter of simple physics. Gasoline contains 80 times the energy density of the best Li-Ion batteries. Which brings up another point. What happens to those batteries in a highway accident? Regardless of how many safety devices or how much protection and shielding the vehicle manufacturers engineer into these lighter electric cars, the potential always exists that the batteries will short circuit internally with explosive results. This is something the environmentalists don't want you to know.

Al Gore claims cleaner more efficient form of energy will stabilize the planet's climate. Not true. Al is pushing his green agenda for only one reason: Big Money. He has become rich by preying on people's fear of destroying the environment.

So, go ahead and ride a bicycle to work. Do it not to save a gallon of oil a day but to get in better physical shape. That gallon of oil saved, while it may seem like alot, is like a drop into 10 gasoline tanker trucks.