Monday, February 7, 2011

Obama's Jobs

President Obama's message to the Chamber of Commerce: You are obligated to create jobs. The government has done what it can do but it is now up to you. Any failure in creating jobs is a failure in the private sector.

Really, now.

About 319,000 people quit looking for work and left the workforce in December 2010. In November it was even worse with 434,000 leaving the workforce. Factor in the last quarter of 2010 and over 1.5 million have left the workforce. These are not good signs that we are 'recovering'. No. But Mr. Obama continues to lay the blame on everyone else but where it belongs. His ideology is such that he cannot, he is not capable of seeing the consequences of his policies. He is actually attempting to blame the private sector. Seems that this statement is only a prelude to a much bigger government intervention. He is setting the stage for a huge government takeover of the private sector. After all, when the jobs don't materialize, he has already placed blame on the evil private sector and has paved the way for more government interference. He genuinely believes that he and his administration know better than individual companies about how they can make money. This is the arrogance of socialist planners. His ideas are the only way he sees to get this nation out of the recession we are in. 

Obama has repeatedly denied that he is a socialist but if you actually look at his policies, the only logical conclusion to his current policies is socialism. Once government goes down the socialist path, the return to a free market, free enterprise and capitalism will not return without a revolution or civil war. Mr. Obama does not see this. He cannot see this. He is completely blinded by his ideology that only big government can solve the country's problems. Only big government can save the people from the rich and greedy corporations. Sadly, there are too many misinformed people who actually agree with him in this regard. Some know full well what the consequences are and have been planning this for several decades now. 

The radicals of the '60's figured out years ago that the methods they employed back then (protests, bombings, terrorism, civil discourse, etc.) would never gain the attention or sympathy of mainstream America. So they became legitimate. They donned the suit and ties, worked their way into the media, into our schools and colleges as teachers and professors to indoctrinate the youth with the anti-American cancer. Even if they themselves would never live long enough to see the fruits of their labors, they knew that the recruitment of the young would one day mean the demise of evil capitalism and crush the United States in the process. 

Obama is not the one truly leading the country even if he is the president. Someone is pulling the strings. He is but a puppet. The most likely puppet master is George Soros. The billionaire Soros has a history and a drive to collapse economies by introducing his cancer. He mentioned in an interview that he "enjoyed watching the collapse" of economies. He has a grand vision of a New World Order and by his own admission, the only thing standing in his way today is the United States. We heard then candidate Obama repeatedly claim that "a little wealth redistribution could be a good thing." This is where socialism runs into a wall and eventually fails. What happens when the government has no more wealth to redistribute? What then?

The communists have been trying to crush the US capitalist system for many decades and this is their time. This will be their greatest and last best chance at destroying the evil capitalists. If they fail here now, they may not get another opportunity again for a long, long time. They know this and the desperation is growing among the ranks as is evident in the angry rhetoric spewing forth from the liberal biased media. They also knew that they could never succeed if American's knew who they really were. Therefore the change of name from the communist party (clearly the enemy) to liberal progressives (not such a clear enemy). More Americans are beginning to see through the act though but is it too late? Can we take the America we love back from the communists who are Hellbent on its destruction?

To further hide his true agenda, Mr. Obama has now developed a new fondness to a truly great president, Ronald Reagan. How can this possibly be? After all the constant bashing and insulting hateful statements made by liberals and progressives toward Mr. Reagan and his family, Obama is now attempting to paint himself as a moderate who actually loves his country and embraces capitalism. Right, uh-huh. The socialist Obama continues however to do things that more clearly portrays him as anything but Reagan. The two men could not be further apart when it comes to supporting and embracing the constitution. Obama sees the constitution as a roadblock to his agenda. Reagan used the constitution as a beacon to guide him in his quest to actually form a "more perfect union." Meanwhile, some on the extreme left continue to bash former President Reagan by calling him the most evil man alive as he didn't at all support their communist beliefs. They even go as far as wishing death on Nancy Reagan, wife and widow of the late president. Is this the civility they have called for from the conservative right? 

We have an emerging enemy today. An old enemy to American way of life, liberty and pursuit of happiness. Mr. Obama has a firm belief that only government can provide the things that the people can and should provide for themselves. Wealth is earned and is not a right as some on the left want everyone to believe. I hope we as a nation of freedom loving and independent people can survive the likes of Obama but the pressure is on. The enemy is a determined one and will stop at nothing to achieve their goal of destroying the United States of America and all she has stood for. This enemy seeks a New World Order. A Global Economy where the US has no part. We will all be servants and slaves to a global master, whoever that might be. Anyone care to guess?

God bless America and may God help us.

Dennis Smith

Thursday, February 3, 2011

The Collapse of the Middle East

Who is President Obama really aligned with? What little stability remains in the Middle East will evaporate with the fall of Egypt. Other countries in the region such as Yemen, Algeria and Jordan are facing the same destiny. Obama repeatedly states: " orderly transition must begin, now." 

Now... This is just staggering!

Given a choice, Obama routinely sides with our enemies. One must wonder, what are his true alliances? Then candidate Obama expressed on many occasions that terrorist groups such as Hezbollah and Hamas have "legitimate claims." Really? The LA Times reported that Mr. Obama favors a role for the Muslim Brotherhood in the new Egyptian government. This group is behind virtually every terrorist organization in existence. While they have publicly renounced violence and terrorism, internal documents tell a much different tale. This is a violent anti-American and anti-Semitic organization without a doubt.

This administration is packed full of radical far-leftists and ardent anti-Semites. We are witnessing a treasonous ideology and anti-American reality in full play. It seems that the only thing the leftists can do is attack Americans rather than answer the questions put to them. They will not discuss the worldwide events but feebly attempt to brand conservatives as bigots and racists. When some of these leftist speak about 'liberation', they are really talking about 'communism.' The American people are facing the greatest threat to their freedoms to date but so many are completely oblivious to the coming storm. The left and the Muslim radicals have a mutual goal: the destruction of America. Beyond that, Islam will stand triumphant and crush the remaining "liberated" leftists. One might think that the atheistic radical left would stand against a movement which tramples women's rights, murders homosexuals and enforces strict Shari'a law. No. Not happening. It will be interesting to witness the lefts weak reaction when they slowly realize their ideology has failed and they are enslaved by the very people they currently embrace. Maybe then will they realize that America really did have enemies which could not have cared any less about peace.

The riots in Egypt are only the beginning. It is a sham "democracy movement" and not the liberation of which the liberals speak. It is naive to think that the forces that take control of a country by street riot have any interest in democracy. On the contrary, these forces almost certainly do worse than the regime they topple. If they are successful, these Islamic forces will align with our communist enemies and after their first target, Israel is eliminated, the United States and her weak allies are next. One has to wonder, will Obama defend the country he is sworn to or will he stand next to his fellow radical leftists and burn the American Flag? 

I think you already know the answer. God bless America and may God help America.

Dennis Smith