Sunday, October 11, 2009

The Obama Utopia World

    In Obama's fairytale Utopian world, socialism and communism do work. His total disregard of the will of the American people that voted him into office shows how far out of touch with the real world he is. Take health care reform for example. Americans have shown they are undoubtedly for reform but absolutely do not want a government public option, or takeover of the industry. He believes it is the doctors, not trial lawyers, who are driving the prices up, charging for procedures just to make money and refuses to budge from his version of reform. Instead of being open to criticism, he continues to dismiss critics and feels that Americans are too simpleminded to understand his policies. He truly believes his own words that there is no other way. It is the Obama way or we as a country will fail miserably. In the real world the rest of us live in, we know that doctors face a devastating lawsuit every time they render services to a patient. 

     As far as Afghanistan goes, he simply wishes it would go away or didn't exist. He has deliberated now for over a month as to whether to send additional troops for the military to have at least some chance at success. As it stands however, more of our brave soldiers die every day he drags his feet in making a decision. Obama is not a strong decision maker or leader. Law professors rarely are. They tend to argue the issue from too many differing angles to arrive at a conclusive end. 

     In Iran, the president firmly believes that strong language will be more than sufficient to stop them from constructing a nuclear weapon. He fully expects the leader of Iran to give him a call and the whole thing will be done. The Obama Utopian world is one where if America lays down our weapons, that is all it takes for our enemies to lay down theirs. He has a dream where the world will be free from all nuclear weapons. If the world really manages to outlaw all nukes then only the outlaws will have nukes and we will be at their mercy. As long as we live in a country that has nuclear weapons, we are indeed safe from oppression. In Obama's world, this simply cannot, will not and should not happen. He envisions a world which will never exist and he cannot see the flaws in this vision due to his total reluctance to step outside his circle of supporters and advisers. 

     On America, Obama's view is one where we should be apologetic to the rest of the world and if we stand too strong, tall and proud, we will appear arrogant in the eyes of the world. On the contrary, this image portrays weakness from the leader of the free world. At no other time in history has any single country sacrificed more for the benefit of others than the United States. In Obama's Utopia, the US is not superior to any country which puts us at a disadvantage to suggest what they should do. Our enemies now see an opening and an opportunity to further their agenda which puts the United States of America in a very dangerous position and one where Obama will not know how to get us out of. He will again fall back to the one thing he knows best, to talk our way out of having to use the military for our defense. How far will his rhetoric take us? We have an enemy today who follow no rules whatsoever. If we are going to give this enemy "rights," and tie our hands in the interrogations, then we are severely restricting our ability to ever succeed.

     Obama has not yet begun to lead this nation but continues to give activist and community organizing speeches which never waver from ones given during his campaign. In his own mind, he is the messiah and he is the only one who can lead us out of the dark ages created by our founding fathers. Obama knows best. His ego and arrogance will not let him see it differently. 

 Dennis Smith

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