Thursday, February 3, 2011

The Collapse of the Middle East

Who is President Obama really aligned with? What little stability remains in the Middle East will evaporate with the fall of Egypt. Other countries in the region such as Yemen, Algeria and Jordan are facing the same destiny. Obama repeatedly states: " orderly transition must begin, now." 

Now... This is just staggering!

Given a choice, Obama routinely sides with our enemies. One must wonder, what are his true alliances? Then candidate Obama expressed on many occasions that terrorist groups such as Hezbollah and Hamas have "legitimate claims." Really? The LA Times reported that Mr. Obama favors a role for the Muslim Brotherhood in the new Egyptian government. This group is behind virtually every terrorist organization in existence. While they have publicly renounced violence and terrorism, internal documents tell a much different tale. This is a violent anti-American and anti-Semitic organization without a doubt.

This administration is packed full of radical far-leftists and ardent anti-Semites. We are witnessing a treasonous ideology and anti-American reality in full play. It seems that the only thing the leftists can do is attack Americans rather than answer the questions put to them. They will not discuss the worldwide events but feebly attempt to brand conservatives as bigots and racists. When some of these leftist speak about 'liberation', they are really talking about 'communism.' The American people are facing the greatest threat to their freedoms to date but so many are completely oblivious to the coming storm. The left and the Muslim radicals have a mutual goal: the destruction of America. Beyond that, Islam will stand triumphant and crush the remaining "liberated" leftists. One might think that the atheistic radical left would stand against a movement which tramples women's rights, murders homosexuals and enforces strict Shari'a law. No. Not happening. It will be interesting to witness the lefts weak reaction when they slowly realize their ideology has failed and they are enslaved by the very people they currently embrace. Maybe then will they realize that America really did have enemies which could not have cared any less about peace.

The riots in Egypt are only the beginning. It is a sham "democracy movement" and not the liberation of which the liberals speak. It is naive to think that the forces that take control of a country by street riot have any interest in democracy. On the contrary, these forces almost certainly do worse than the regime they topple. If they are successful, these Islamic forces will align with our communist enemies and after their first target, Israel is eliminated, the United States and her weak allies are next. One has to wonder, will Obama defend the country he is sworn to or will he stand next to his fellow radical leftists and burn the American Flag? 

I think you already know the answer. God bless America and may God help America.

Dennis Smith

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