There are many people who were blinded by the brilliance of the god-like aura of Dear Leader. People want to believe the lies. He said exactly what people wanted to hear. That social programs will not end. They will; the country cannot afford it. That he will tax the greedy rich; he will but the taxes will not stop there. Do the math, there aren't enough rich. Everyone working will begin paying their "fair share." A level playing field is another way of looking at communism.
Listen very closely to what he says. He's the world's best liar and he doesn't have utter an outright lie. It is what he does not say. A lie of omission is still a lie.
He has said, "If you like your healthcare insurance, you can keep it.” Not true. What he also leaves out is the fact that government will make it too expensive for most people. Hello nationalized healthcare. As has been his intent from day one.
He has said, "I'm not coming after your guns." Again, true statement at face value. But, what he doesn't mention is the fact that they are pushing forth legislation to tax the weapons already out there and to tax the ammunition to make it too expensive to own and/or shoot. The IRS will collect. All in the name of perceived safety.
He has said, "I'm not going to raise the deficit one dime." Factually, a true statement. But what he doesn't say is that he will raise the deficit by several trillion dimes and bankrupt the nation. Dear Leader has a plan and free Americans are not part of it. He behaves just as a previous dictator in history. 1930's Germany. You may have heard of him. Great speaker.
The cows never wonder why that nice farmer brings them hay every day. Until it is too late and they are headed to slaughter. He can make you feel good about losing your freedoms one sliver at a time. Even to cheer your spiral into communism with zeal and not realize your doomed future.
Dear Leader's voters chose and continue to choose to see what they want to see. And that is still their freedom. For now. Understand this, the social programs will cease when the money runs out.
"Those who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." —Benjamin Franklin
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