Thursday, November 24, 2016

He’s gone (or will be soon) and Good Riddance

The non-leader boy president will soon be leaving the Office of the President of the United States of America. The liberal left is also losing their collective minds because of it. Here we have a President Elect which campaigned on making America great again, so why the irrational fear? Perhaps that is what they fear the most. That America will become great again. That we will once again be an exceptional nation on the global scene rather than one capitulating and apologizing to those leaders and countries who dislike us and want to see us fall. The liberal's and progressive's largest fear is a Trump administration exposing the fraud and lies of failed liberal policies or rather, what the freedom hating progressive socialists have transformed liberalism into. The Democrats of today are certainly not those of years past. That political ideology title has now shifted to the Republicans. They are today what the Democrats once were. The entire political landscape has, over the years, drifted further and further left and is one of the largest reasons we now have a non-politician businessman elected president. Politics has drifted left, real Americans have not.

Notice also, that the majority of the violent “protests” are being carried out by the college youth. Youth which have been taught that America is an oppressive nation rather than the truth: America is the last, greatest bastion of freedom left in the world. Many of today’s youth—not all—are spoiled brats who have been nowhere and done nothing. Their heads are filled with hatred by professors who hate America and her ideals. So, it is no wonder that these kids attending higher learning institutions continue the protests but at the same time have no idea what they are protesting. These kids do not see the hypocrisy of their protest against the principles that provide that freedom. Their professors are the real enemy to freedom. They are, in fact teaching liberal policies which are Utopian Collectivism rather than the encouragement of free thought and free will. See, in a liberal progressive America, there is no room for freedom of thought as it goes counter to their globalist views and the greater collective. A new world order where everyone must be the same and anyone disagreeing must be silenced. This is the driving mechanism with these protests. They will not and do not accept the will of the voters and the methods used in our representative democracy. It is amusing actually that those who label themselves as tolerant, are the most intolerant among us. From pure observation, it is evident to me that Conservatives appear to be the more tolerant group.

The United States has survived 8 years of Obama and will continue to be free now that another corrupt Clinton was not elected president. With the swearing in of President Elect Trump, the Supreme Court has also been saved from the addition of activist and progressive justices. Justices who currently refuse to enforce laws because they do not agree with them. Liberal justices which do not honor their oath to uphold and defend the Constitution.

I hear from the liberals constantly they fear that the new president and his administration will take away everyone’s rights. That America will slip back 150 years and slavery will return and women will be treated as second class subjects once again. That abortion laws (Roe v. Wade) will be repealed. Apparently, they give the president too much credit and believe he has more power than those granted to him by the Constitution. Obama himself found out what those limits to power are when the system of checks and balances actually worked the way it was meant and suppressed his dictatorial tendencies. Had he more time, with a Clinton presidency continuing many of his policies and accelerating others, they would’ve had more opportunity to cause irreparable harm to the nation by way of appointing liberal justices to the Supreme Court. The highest court in the land, on the other hand, do have the power to affect our personal liberty by way of interpreting laws in a fashion more favorable to their liberal progressive agenda. As it stands now however, appointing justices who know the law, do not preside by activism and are not bought by lobbyists or politicians, will save the precious freedoms we have left. Evidently, these students don’t know the truth about how our government actually works. It is a sad situation when those students, who should be considered the more analytical among us, are in fact useful idiots following the teachings of professors who would love to have the United States transformed into a Marxist totalitarian Hellhole. 


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